
Posts Tagged ‘ruche’

Happy spring. I know its not very spring-like in some parts of the northern hemisphere, but things are sure coming alive here. Felt like summer yesterday. So warm that we were seeking shade, and so much sunshine we have rosy cheeks even still today.

I have been working almost non-stop for the last couple weeks and things have been going well. Cruising right along. I’ve had a really nice momentum. TODAY however, has been a weirdly challenging day. Just plain WEIRD! Instead of throwing a tantrum (I mean some things can be irritating, but the one-thing-after-another thing can make a person just crazy!) I decided to just sit and chill for a bit. A better choice I think, and while I have been sitting here, I managed to get some photos edited, and I have just added the Ruche in Red to the shop.

I hope everyone is having a super fab weekend, void of streaks of weirdness haha.

Time for me to get something to eat, take some deep breaths, have a long stretch, and then get my groove back on!

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