
Archive for October 13th, 2013

a little catching up

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 presetSome of you may have noticed the shop has been closed for a while. I am planning on reopening soon, and though I don’t have a date set yet, I have been aiming for around the middle of the month (which is just about here now I guess, right?).

For the second half of September we took some real time off and headed out on a camping road trip. It was a great break from our routines, and a needed rest from the constant work we both are doing. We had a fun, beautiful, adventurous journey through parts of Oregon and I hope to share a little bit of it here at some point. Since our return I have been hard at work on a few projects, and have also been making my best effort to build inventory for the upcoming holiday rush. A production style work flow tends to work really well for me, and I have had a nice groove going on in the studio. It has felt great to return fresh, and I feel like some needed changes are really coming together.

Here are a few snaps of some of what’s been happening in the studio. I should mention that part way through our trip our camera lens went on the fritz and had to be sent in. So until it returns this week, photos are from my iPad/iPod.

Processed with VSCOcam



Processed with VSCOcam

october_sewing_0I hope you all are enjoying the change of season. When we left for our trip I was clinging so tightly to summer, not ready for it to go. This year in Oregon though, fall seemed to arrive almost overnight, on the day of the equinox. Since our return, I have really embraced this new season. With autumn comes a certain kind of rest and a new vitality. An interesting, enlivening combination.

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